I've never been one for the main stream sports so when I was asked to start a blog as a university assignment I decided to blog on alternate sports, which to me are far more exciting and extreme yet don't get the media exposure the deserve, so after Qualifying as a Exercise Scientist last year I decided to keep my blog going and focus on these sports as well as document my travels being a profession surf judge and a bit of my new interest in sport journalism, feel free to use the question box or post comments, Enjoy!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Interval Training! BMX Racers this one is for you!

We are always looking to better our performance and step up a level in the ranks. Well interval training might be the key to you stepping it up a level. Interval training is a form of training that involves intensities close to your VO2 max by performing repeated bouts of high to moderate intensity exercise mixed together with periods of rest or active rest (ie. Walking or Light Jogging). Studies have shown that through interval training, athletes’ can perform a greater volume of exercise by breaking the total training session into shorter more intense bouts, with rest or active rest interval periods breaking up the intense exercise periods. It must be said that a good aerobic base should be developed before partaking in this form of training as it is very stressful on the athlete.

The key to interval training is the work-to rest ratio (work:rest). For BMX racers the work:rest ratio should be 1:3 to 1:5, the higher the intensity the longer the rest period. The reason for rest or recovery periods is to allow the body to get rid of by-products such as lactic acid that is built up in the high intensity bouts and also allows O2 to convert stored carbohydrates into energy which helps the athlete get ready for the next high intensity bout. During the rest periods, the athlete can rest completely or perform active rest which is a very low intensity activity such as slow jogging or walking. An example of an interval training session is: 15 minute warm-up, 100m sprint (work), followed by 300m of slow jogging (rest: active), repeated six times. Remember to warm-up and cool down.

The reason for me saying “BMX Racers this one is for you!”, is that one of the main benefits to interval training is enhanced anaerobic metabolism, and BMX racing is a sport which is anaerobically orientated (400 meter or longer track, when going at top speed).High intensity efforts requiring one to three minutes of performance times mainly draw energy from the Lactic Acid system (BMX race 30-45 seconds per lap!). A properly designed interval training program for these types of events (sprinting, kayak sprinting and of course BMX racing) will increase the amount of sugar stored in the muscles and develop greater efficiency for these cells to breakdown sugar, allowing the production of ATP and therefore energy. One study showed improvements in muscle oxidative potential, muscle glycogen content, and cycling time trial performance (Burgomaster et al.2005). Another study with a four week interval training program showed increases in muscle activation and total power output in trained cyclists (Creer et al. 2004). This shows the power of interval training for cyclists as a whole.

So try it in training and see if it works for you.

Daniel (Sport Scientist)

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