I've never been one for the main stream sports so when I was asked to start a blog as a university assignment I decided to blog on alternate sports, which to me are far more exciting and extreme yet don't get the media exposure the deserve, so after Qualifying as a Exercise Scientist last year I decided to keep my blog going and focus on these sports as well as document my travels being a profession surf judge and a bit of my new interest in sport journalism, feel free to use the question box or post comments, Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Athlete Profile
The team managed to get hold of paddling sensation Tiffany Kruger who is turning heads in the kayaking world , or any sports she commits herself to for that matter .Tiff has been selected as a member of the 2012 Olympic kayaking squad , heres what she had to say:

Name:Tiffany – Amber Kruger
Sponsors:Jeep, Rudi project sunglasses and Solomon Shoes
Years Paddling:6
Career highlight: Being selected for the Olympic training squad 2010

Alternate sport Solutions (A.S.S): So Tiff how did you get into paddling and what is it about the sports that keeps you interested?

Tiff:I moved to Durban at the age of 9 and my parents thought it would be a good idea to join a lifesaving club to become aware of the ocean. I joined Warnadoone lifesaving club where I moved from the junior section (nippers) into the senior division of lifesaving. I became very competitive and ski being one of the main events, I started flat water paddling (canoeing) to better my technique and improve my speed in the ocean. From there on I became interested in long distance surf ski paddling and canoeing.

What keeps me interested is the atmosphere of being out doors on a daily basis. The people that surround you are all interested in the same thing and there is a common interest. I enjoy training hard and there is always a challenge!

A.S.S: You have represented South Africa many times , something most people dream of how does it feel to have your National colours?

Tiff: I have represented South Africa a couple of times, and I have represented South Africa for 3 different sporting codes: Canoeing, Lifesaving and surf ski paddling. I feel totally honored to represent my country but it comes with hard work!

A.S.S: You have recently been selected as one of the members of the Olympic sprint kayaking squad for 2012, huge achievement, Give us a break down of your daily routine in terms of training and preparation for qualifiers?

Tiff: Everyday is long and requires lots of work. Each day consists of about 3 major sessions they are in the form of running, gym, swimming and paddling. There is a lot of cross training but as the time gets closer paddling becomes our main focus! We are closely involved with the sports science centre in Cape Town who provide us with dieticians, physios, doctors etc. We are on a daily monitoring system where they monitor us and give us feed back regarding recovery and training. Our qualifiers are next year so this year is purely for base training and experience!

A.S.S: Do you think South African paddlers receive the same amount of support(financial and training programs) as paddlers from around the world?

Tiff: In the past I would have to say no, although there has been a major turn around and CSA has put a lot in to the paddlers this year as there is major potential for an Olympic medal.

A.S.S: Are South African at the same level as the international athletes, if not what do you think is the difference?

Tiff :
Yes and No, we are still learning from the international paddlers and following other training programmes, South Africa is the ideal Country for paddling as we have the opportunity to paddle all year round where other countries have to settle for cross training in their winter months. We have the opportunity to do great things and I believe we are getting there slowly.

Thanks for your time and good luck with the training!
Alternate Sports Solutions Team

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