I've never been one for the main stream sports so when I was asked to start a blog as a university assignment I decided to blog on alternate sports, which to me are far more exciting and extreme yet don't get the media exposure the deserve, so after Qualifying as a Exercise Scientist last year I decided to keep my blog going and focus on these sports as well as document my travels being a profession surf judge and a bit of my new interest in sport journalism, feel free to use the question box or post comments, Enjoy!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Support the SAFFA's

At 15:00 everyday from now until the 12, you should log onto  www.isawsg.com, and support out boys and girls at the the ISA World Surfing Games, after 3 day team SA still has all 6 members of their team in contention for gold, and with that we have taken an early lead in the team standings being one of only 2 teams that have not lost a surfer yet.

It's still early days,so log on and let the support pour in for our team, in their quest for gold!

Today/tonight is a big day for Team SA as the whole team will surf their heats today, all 4 boys are in Qualifier Round 3 while both our ladies have dropped into the sudden death repocharge rounds.

Show your support, proudly South African!

Davey Van Zyl, blasting a righthander at Santa Catalina on route to round 3.
 Picture courtesy of ISA


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