So we have all heard it a hundred times how important it is to have a strong core if you are an athlete, this is one particular area that is important to train across all the different sporting discplines.
Surfing specifically, a solid core is essential in ensuring you generate maximum power through out your turns, as well as keeping your center of gravity low and with you limits of stability, to ensure you don't bail on that all important maneuver in the dying second of a heat.
I have put together a simple core circuit that is not only applicable to surfing but to all sporting disciplines.
- Spiderman's with a trunk twist
Start in the plan position , ideally with hand on the swill ball, if you are new at this you can start on the floor and progress onto the ball, or alternately use a BOSU Ball.
Keep core muscle contracted, a nice flat back (no arched back), nice soft bend in the elbows.
Return to starting position , repeat for 8-10 reps.
Now bring one of your legs up into a spider man, keep hips nice and level, with no deviation in height, and a nice strong flat back, don't drop your head.
Kick that same leg back to the starting position, but keep it suspended above the ground, once again maintaining a nice strong posture.
Now take that same leg and cross it across underneath your trunk, trying to keep you hips nice and level.
Repeat with other leg complete 8 - 10 reps
- Swiss Ball roll-outs
Start in plank position, knees on the floor legs crossed, for arms resting on top of the swill ball, palms together.
Keeping a nice flat back and contracted core, slowly roll forward on the ball, moving forward on the ball, until you are nicely extended, knee's , hips and shoulders all in align.
- Swiss Ball Pike
Once again start in the plank position, hands on the floor, and ankles and feel on the ball, flat back and core muscles activated, looking forward.
Bring the ball towards you hands, by piking your body and forcing you bum towards the ceiling, till your body is in the shape of a "V".
And return back to starting position.
And return back to starting position.
Repeat for 8 - 10 reps.
I suggest doing the circuit 3 times as part of your work out, be it in the begining after your warm up or just before your cool down.
Happy Training.
Athlete: Chanelle Botha - South African Junior Team Member - Surfing
Wade Botha
Bachelor of Sport Science, HONS Exercise Science
(2010) UKZN
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