I've never been one for the main stream sports so when I was asked to start a blog as a university assignment I decided to blog on alternate sports, which to me are far more exciting and extreme yet don't get the media exposure the deserve, so after Qualifying as a Exercise Scientist last year I decided to keep my blog going and focus on these sports as well as document my travels being a profession surf judge and a bit of my new interest in sport journalism, feel free to use the question box or post comments, Enjoy!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Half marathon madness and the month ahead

So I finished my first half marathon today, the 21.2 km Goss & Balf South Coast Marathon, Starting at Ilfracombe on the KZN South Coast heading further south for a km before turning and heading north back to Amanzimtoti.

Being my first race of that distance I wasn't quite sure how to pace myself but still managed to finish well within my goal time finishing 44th overall in a time of 1hour 36minutes, I was super happy with that time and my performance, the weather was perfect for my first time, over cast and cool, all in all it was a great experience, i'll be back for another one some time soon and hopefully take on the full marathon next year, ask me tomorrow morning and my answer could be very different haha, but at least my shin splints didn't bother me today.

Tomorrow I'm off to New Pier on the Durban Beach Front for the rest of the week to judge the Hurley SA Junior Surfing Championships, Hurley have really put a lot into this event and it's set to be a great week of surfing, junior surfing is super exciting at the moment so i'm looking forward to this week.
Its also going to be interesting to see how the team I have been working with over the last month is going to do, so lots of exciting prospect lie ahead of me this week.

On the conclusion of the Hurley SA Junior Champs i'll have two days to sort my life out before I jet off to El Salvador in Central America, via Sao Paulo Brazil and Lima Peru to represent South Africa on the judging panel at the ISA World Masters Surfing Champs, I googled Punta Roca (pictured above), the break where the event is being held,really cool looking setup with perfect tropical warm rights that reel off down the point for hundred of meters, going to be so sick, i'll for sure be clocking up the hours surfing myself.

Super exciting month ahead for me, with all my lay overs I'll be able to start researching for my blog on shin splints.

I'll keep you all updated, for additional info on my whereabouts you can follow me on twitter @WadeBotha88

Wade Botha
Bss Sport Science ; HONS Exercise Science, UKZN 2010

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