I've never been one for the main stream sports so when I was asked to start a blog as a university assignment I decided to blog on alternate sports, which to me are far more exciting and extreme yet don't get the media exposure the deserve, so after Qualifying as a Exercise Scientist last year I decided to keep my blog going and focus on these sports as well as document my travels being a profession surf judge and a bit of my new interest in sport journalism, feel free to use the question box or post comments, Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


At the start of the new year everyone has these plans of how they will lead a healthier more active life style in the new year, and everyone gets off to a great start, from about 17:00 pm the streets are buzzing with walkers, joggers and cyclist, the gym in January is a nightmare, you can never get a parking never mind finding a machine or piece of equipment use, as frustrating as it is, it’s good to see so much of the community getting more active.

However by about payday in January that whole vibe has died down, the laziness has kicked in and majority of people has slipped back into their sedentary lifestyles, which are so much easier.

But let’s be honest no one ever said leading a healthy lifestyle was going to be easy , and three weeks of exercise or gym aren’t going to give you the results you were looking for, these things take time and COMMITTMENT (that’s the key word).

So with that in mind I would like to introduce Alternate Sport Solutions new campaign, titled Get fitter in February.

So for those January warriors, this is great for you ,you’ve spent the past month building up a great base fitness, now in February it’s time to kick it up a gear and push yourself.

If you are always training at the same intensity, doing the same weights, classes , running the same route and distance, your body will become used to this and you will remain in the same heart rate, fat burn and muscle building zone and your work out will just become a maintenance work out and you will see no further results and your fitness will plateau.

The only way to get fitter is to push your fitness levels, for example if you have been walking 3 times a week, now it’s time to up it to 4 or 5 times a week and transform your walk into a run/walk this week (run/jog for a minute and walk for two minutes and repeat for the duration of your walk, or that hill you always walk up , this month you run up it and just tell yourself I can and I will get to the top, yes your body will hate you at the time, but the next time you try it ...BOOM its easier , because you have now pushed your fitness threshold to a new level.

this applies to all levels of athlete’s, you’ve been swimming 40 lengths a day for the past month , now let’s break it down into 5 sets of 10 laps with a break in between each set , moving onto a slightly higher intensity each week of February , increasing the number of lengths as well. for example.

January was your month to build up your base fitness, February is the month build upon that base, get into that next heart rate zone, lose that weight and see the results.

So today is the first it the perfect time to start even if you did slack off towards the end of January just remember commitment and consistency will see you achieve you goals

I urge you to take the challenge and GET FITTER IN FEBRUARY!!

If you looking for any advice on your current training and how you can step it up a level feel free to drop a comment or contact me on twitterhttps://twitter.com/#!/WadeBotha88 or on the facebook group http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=321970828508

You can mention me (@wadebotha88) on twitter and hash tag #getfitterinfebruary and keep us up dated on what you are doing to get fitter in February.

Wade Botha

Bachelor of Sport Science

HONS Exercise Science UKZN 2010

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