I've never been one for the main stream sports so when I was asked to start a blog as a university assignment I decided to blog on alternate sports, which to me are far more exciting and extreme yet don't get the media exposure the deserve, so after Qualifying as a Exercise Scientist last year I decided to keep my blog going and focus on these sports as well as document my travels being a profession surf judge and a bit of my new interest in sport journalism, feel free to use the question box or post comments, Enjoy!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dynamic stretching techniques for surfing

As requested , we have put up a few basic dynamic stretches one can do before paddling out, As dynamic stretching involves movement we felt that a video would be better than simple photos of the stretches, this is our first video blog so sit back and enjoy.

Alternate Sports Solutions Team


  1. flippin' awesome video clip, keep up the good work.

  2. Great work...keep it up!! Looking forward to more video blogs on strength training techniques for surfing as well as BMX.
