I've never been one for the main stream sports so when I was asked to start a blog as a university assignment I decided to blog on alternate sports, which to me are far more exciting and extreme yet don't get the media exposure the deserve, so after Qualifying as a Exercise Scientist last year I decided to keep my blog going and focus on these sports as well as document my travels being a profession surf judge and a bit of my new interest in sport journalism, feel free to use the question box or post comments, Enjoy!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ballito to Bali and beyond!

So since the end of June my life has been anything but boring, just the way I like it! As my Gap year comes to a close I can happily say I’m ready to join the real working world, now that I have checked off a couple of the thing I wanted to do before I conformed to what society would have me do.

To kick off this 3 month rollercoaster of activities and travels, the beginning of July saw the eyes of the surfing world focus on South Africa, as the African Leg of the ASP World Tour came to town and I was once again given the opportunity to represent South Africa on the international judging panel.

First up was the Mr Price Pro , this was a prime event, featuring the top 96, Once again Ballito delivered and gave us clean contestable waves and at the end of  7 days of surfing it was Irelands Glen “Micro” Hall who emerged victorious over the USA’s Nathaniel Curren.

The next day I was on a flight to P.E and off to judge the Billabong Pro J Bay, there was a lot of negativity about the event being downgrade to a 6 star as opposed to at WCT event like it had been in the past, It was however advantageous to the local surfers who are currently fighting it out to make the top 16.

Some of the Saffa standout were, Casey Grant , Matt Bromley and Dale Staples who finished off in 5th, causing the upset of the event and eliminated Jon Jon Florence, the Hawaiian wonder kid.
Final day was run in dismal small and onshore surf but Brazil’s Adriano De Souza still managed to put together some beautiful surfing to take the win over Frenchman Joan Duru.

After J-Bay I had 2 weeks at home to get everything sorted for the trip of a life time......Bali for 3 weeks, since I was 15 it’s been a trip I’ve spent many hours, most of which were spent in classrooms and lecture theatres dreaming about.

Durban – Johannesburg – Hong Kong and finally Bali, after 30 odd hours of travelling there I was with 2 of my best friends in surfers paradise, all the videos I had watched, all the photo’s I had seen in the magazines where now waiting for me just outside those airport doors!

We got a taxi (might have been slightly ripped off hahah) straight to Kuta, where we stayed for 4 days which consisted of super fun surfs out at airport lefts, Mc Donalds free wifi and of course free flows at Sky Garden, we had a love hate relationship with that place haha!

From Kuta we ventured out onto the Bukit peninsula, we stayed in Bingin a beautiful sea side village, did I mention it was at the bottom of a cliff so we had to climb hundreds of stairs multiple times a day, whilst on the peninsula we surfed Uluwatu, Bingin and Dreamlands.

While we were out on the peninsula the Rip Curl Cup at Padang Padang ran and we got to wate the event unfold, Saffa Dylan Lightfoot was one of the invited surfers, he got one insane backhand barrel for an 8.25 and needing a small score the sea went flat but even though he didn’t advance he defiantly stepped up and showed everyone he means business, after Dyl’s heat we got to sea surfing’s most inspirational individual, Bethany Hamilton, the first ever female invitee to this event, she didn’t disappoint as she advanced into the quarter finals.

After a week out on the peninsula we made our way back to Kuta and met up with 2 other Saffa mates of ours and we all booked a trip over to the island of Nusa Lembogan, just a 2 hour boat ride, What a rad island it was, partly because it was the first rights I got to surf during the trip, we spent 4 days on the island surfing, exploring, diving and checking out the local cuisine.

Once again we headed back to Kuta to round up the last week of the trip , we did plenty day trips to different surf spots, and scored some really fun rights at Canggu, night time was spent Sky Gardening, always seemed like a good idea at the time, haha ask us the next morning and you were likely to hear “oath im not going out tonight!” and true as bob back at Sky Garden we were at 9pm haha.

Sad to leave but happy to be going home we waved goodbye to a trip that will forever stand out in my mind.

Home on the Friday and back on the road the next Tuesday , this time to Cape St Francis to Head Judge the Billabong Pro Junior, fun waves, strong off shores a little rain and plenty sunshine, topped with the best junior surfers the country has to offer all made for a great weekend the event was a success and it was Davey Brand and Bianca Buitendag who walked away as the winners.

Next up was Cape town to learn how to present the ISA level 1 judges course.

I’ve been home for a little over a week now and in a few days time im off to Jefferey’s Bay to Head Judge the Hurley SA Junior Champs (I must have done a good job at the Billabong junior haha).

So an exciting few months have gone by, and I enjoyed every minute of it, still got a couple other trips in the pipeline between now and new years.

I truly am blessed and super grateful for all I have and all I’ve done.
