I've never been one for the main stream sports so when I was asked to start a blog as a university assignment I decided to blog on alternate sports, which to me are far more exciting and extreme yet don't get the media exposure the deserve, so after Qualifying as a Exercise Scientist last year I decided to keep my blog going and focus on these sports as well as document my travels being a profession surf judge and a bit of my new interest in sport journalism, feel free to use the question box or post comments, Enjoy!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

SA Junior Surf Team - Training Camp

This past week I had the privilege of lending a hand at the SA Junior Surf Team Training Camp, held in Durban from 14 - 16 May.

I was there to assist the team with  general fitness, stretching and warm up techniques, as well as to add some insight into the judging criteria as well as the various interference rules.

It was a pleasure to work along side South African Surfing legends Graham Hynes and Ant Brodowicz, who are the teams' coaches.

What the team achieved over the 3 days was invaluable from a performance as well as a team building point of view. As intended we kicked the camp off on day one at a level that was built apon each day and by the end of the 3 day camp the entire team was well above the starting level.

Each team member left the camp understanding how important it is to work as a single unit , as they will be away for 18 days and this will be their support system and more importantly their family for the duration of the tour.

I put together this clip of the training camp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2mH61zP6fA&feature=youtu.be , but this really does not do any justice to just how talented this team really is, for many of us we will be waving good bye to our loved ones on the airport on the 1st of June, but we will be giving our full support from back home while our soldiers take on the worlds best in their quest to emulate the senior team and bring home the gold and with our support that is what they will do.

You can use the hashtag #SAjnrteam to send messages of encouragement to our juniors on twitter.

With just a few days until they depart, the team will no doubt be working hard on polishing up a few last aspects of their surfing.


Wade Botha

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Support the SAFFA's

At 15:00 everyday from now until the 12, you should log onto  www.isawsg.com, and support out boys and girls at the the ISA World Surfing Games, after 3 day team SA still has all 6 members of their team in contention for gold, and with that we have taken an early lead in the team standings being one of only 2 teams that have not lost a surfer yet.

It's still early days,so log on and let the support pour in for our team, in their quest for gold!

Today/tonight is a big day for Team SA as the whole team will surf their heats today, all 4 boys are in Qualifier Round 3 while both our ladies have dropped into the sudden death repocharge rounds.

Show your support, proudly South African!

Davey Van Zyl, blasting a righthander at Santa Catalina on route to round 3.
 Picture courtesy of ISA


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Simple Core Training Circuit

So we have all heard it a hundred times how important it is to have a strong core if you are an athlete, this is one particular area that is important to train across all the different sporting discplines.

Surfing specifically, a solid core is essential in ensuring you generate maximum power through out your turns, as well as keeping your center of gravity low and with you limits of stability, to ensure you don't bail on that all important maneuver in the dying second of a heat.

I have put together a simple core circuit that is not only applicable to surfing but to all sporting disciplines.


  • Spiderman's with a trunk twist

Start in the plan position , ideally with hand on the swill ball, if you are new at this you can start on the floor and progress onto the ball, or alternately use a BOSU Ball.

Keep core muscle contracted, a nice flat back (no arched back), nice soft bend in the elbows.

Now bring one of your legs up into a spider man, keep hips nice and level, with no deviation in height, and a nice strong flat back, don't drop your head.
Kick that same leg back to the starting position, but keep it suspended above the ground, once again maintaining a nice strong posture.

Now take that same leg and cross it across underneath your trunk, trying to keep you hips nice and level.

Repeat with other leg complete  8 - 10 reps

  • Swiss Ball roll-outs
Start in plank position, knees on the floor legs crossed, for arms resting on top of the swill ball, palms together.
Keeping a nice flat back and contracted core, slowly roll forward on the ball, moving forward on the ball, until you are nicely extended, knee's , hips and shoulders all in align.

 Return to starting position , repeat for 8-10 reps.

  • Swiss Ball Pike
Once again start in the plank position, hands on the floor, and ankles and feel on the ball, flat back and core muscles activated, looking forward.
Bring the ball towards you hands, by piking your body and forcing you bum towards the ceiling, till your body is in the shape of a "V".

 And return back to starting position.

Repeat for 8 - 10 reps.

I suggest doing the circuit 3 times as part of your work out, be it in the begining after your warm up or just before your cool down.

Happy Training.

Athlete: Chanelle Botha  - South African Junior Team Member - Surfing

Wade Botha 
Bachelor of Sport Science, HONS Exercise Science 
(2010) UKZN

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Review: 2013 South African Junior Surf team

The selection process for this team started back in November, when we reverted back the older system of regional trials, and then the top performers progressing through to the national trial, this system ensures we draw on the very best talent the country has to offer.

The National Junior Selection trial took place at Cape St Francis Beach break on the last weekend of January, difficult conditions ensured that only the crème of the crop rose to the top, and booked a spot in the 2013 national junior side.

This 12 strong team will jet off to Nicaragua in Central America in just over 2 months to compete in the 2013 ISA World Junior Surfing Championships.

With the ISA including a u/16 Girls division at the championships for the first time in history, some of the younger talent had a shot at receiving their Protea Blazer.

Heading up the South African u/16 Girls side, is Warner Beach’s Chanelle Botha (yes, she is my sister), Chanelle will earn her second cap as a Protea surfer, competing last year in the u/18 girls division, now a year down the line, Chanelle is far more experienced, and is hungry to do her country proud in Nicaragua.

Anoush Zakarian of Melkbos, takes the second slot in the u/16 girl’s side, and will earn her first cap as a national surfer, this talented goofy footer from the Cape has been knocking on the door for quite some time and it only seems fitting that she fly’s the SA Flag at worlds this year.

Matt Mc Gillivray, will earn his second cap, and although he has been battling with a ankle injury, will no doubt make a big impression on the world junior stage, based on his performances in the back half of 2012 and his determination that has become his trade mark.

New Cap Jordy Maree, the powerful goofy footer from Kalk Bay, as well as 2012 National junior team member with new cap and Balito boy Shayne Sykes rounding of a very strong u/16 boys side.

Jeffrey’s Bay’s Gina Smith, who gained entry into the SA Junior team by winning the u/17 division at the 2012 Hurley SA Junior Champs, heads up the u/18 girls side , with probably the most improved junior girl in the country and 2012 SA Junior Team member Nicole Pallet to back her.

Benji Brand, a seasoned competitor, who earns his third cap, also qualified for the team by taking out the 2012 u/17 SA Title at the Hurley SA Junior Champs last year, he is grouped with Dylan Lightfoot, former silver medalist and local powerhouse of Jeffery’s Bay, as well as Amanzimtoti’s Josh Smit who was on blistering form at both the national and regional trials, and brother of u/16 Girl Anoush, Diran Zakarian will finish up an exceptional u/18 boys side.

The team management , includes Surfing South Africa Vice President Jonny Bakker who will manage the team along side coaching legend Graham Hynes who will be assisted by 1978 ISA World Champ himself Ant Brodowicz . 

With just over 2 months to go we hope to see the team under go some serious high performance national camps, to ensure each and every team member is at top of their game.

The team ratio was 7 new caps to 5 previous SA team members in 2012 to a team of 8 former SA Junior team members to just 4 new caps this year, so the team is far more experienced these and looking to get back on the podium where they belong.

Having watched these kids from the judging tower over the past 5 I have all the confidence in the strength of this team, and their ability to bring a host of silverware back to the South African shores.

Wade Botha 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ballito to Bali and beyond!

So since the end of June my life has been anything but boring, just the way I like it! As my Gap year comes to a close I can happily say I’m ready to join the real working world, now that I have checked off a couple of the thing I wanted to do before I conformed to what society would have me do.

To kick off this 3 month rollercoaster of activities and travels, the beginning of July saw the eyes of the surfing world focus on South Africa, as the African Leg of the ASP World Tour came to town and I was once again given the opportunity to represent South Africa on the international judging panel.

First up was the Mr Price Pro , this was a prime event, featuring the top 96, Once again Ballito delivered and gave us clean contestable waves and at the end of  7 days of surfing it was Irelands Glen “Micro” Hall who emerged victorious over the USA’s Nathaniel Curren.

The next day I was on a flight to P.E and off to judge the Billabong Pro J Bay, there was a lot of negativity about the event being downgrade to a 6 star as opposed to at WCT event like it had been in the past, It was however advantageous to the local surfers who are currently fighting it out to make the top 16.

Some of the Saffa standout were, Casey Grant , Matt Bromley and Dale Staples who finished off in 5th, causing the upset of the event and eliminated Jon Jon Florence, the Hawaiian wonder kid.
Final day was run in dismal small and onshore surf but Brazil’s Adriano De Souza still managed to put together some beautiful surfing to take the win over Frenchman Joan Duru.

After J-Bay I had 2 weeks at home to get everything sorted for the trip of a life time......Bali for 3 weeks, since I was 15 it’s been a trip I’ve spent many hours, most of which were spent in classrooms and lecture theatres dreaming about.

Durban – Johannesburg – Hong Kong and finally Bali, after 30 odd hours of travelling there I was with 2 of my best friends in surfers paradise, all the videos I had watched, all the photo’s I had seen in the magazines where now waiting for me just outside those airport doors!

We got a taxi (might have been slightly ripped off hahah) straight to Kuta, where we stayed for 4 days which consisted of super fun surfs out at airport lefts, Mc Donalds free wifi and of course free flows at Sky Garden, we had a love hate relationship with that place haha!

From Kuta we ventured out onto the Bukit peninsula, we stayed in Bingin a beautiful sea side village, did I mention it was at the bottom of a cliff so we had to climb hundreds of stairs multiple times a day, whilst on the peninsula we surfed Uluwatu, Bingin and Dreamlands.

While we were out on the peninsula the Rip Curl Cup at Padang Padang ran and we got to wate the event unfold, Saffa Dylan Lightfoot was one of the invited surfers, he got one insane backhand barrel for an 8.25 and needing a small score the sea went flat but even though he didn’t advance he defiantly stepped up and showed everyone he means business, after Dyl’s heat we got to sea surfing’s most inspirational individual, Bethany Hamilton, the first ever female invitee to this event, she didn’t disappoint as she advanced into the quarter finals.

After a week out on the peninsula we made our way back to Kuta and met up with 2 other Saffa mates of ours and we all booked a trip over to the island of Nusa Lembogan, just a 2 hour boat ride, What a rad island it was, partly because it was the first rights I got to surf during the trip, we spent 4 days on the island surfing, exploring, diving and checking out the local cuisine.

Once again we headed back to Kuta to round up the last week of the trip , we did plenty day trips to different surf spots, and scored some really fun rights at Canggu, night time was spent Sky Gardening, always seemed like a good idea at the time, haha ask us the next morning and you were likely to hear “oath im not going out tonight!” and true as bob back at Sky Garden we were at 9pm haha.

Sad to leave but happy to be going home we waved goodbye to a trip that will forever stand out in my mind.

Home on the Friday and back on the road the next Tuesday , this time to Cape St Francis to Head Judge the Billabong Pro Junior, fun waves, strong off shores a little rain and plenty sunshine, topped with the best junior surfers the country has to offer all made for a great weekend the event was a success and it was Davey Brand and Bianca Buitendag who walked away as the winners.

Next up was Cape town to learn how to present the ISA level 1 judges course.

I’ve been home for a little over a week now and in a few days time im off to Jefferey’s Bay to Head Judge the Hurley SA Junior Champs (I must have done a good job at the Billabong junior haha).

So an exciting few months have gone by, and I enjoyed every minute of it, still got a couple other trips in the pipeline between now and new years.

I truly am blessed and super grateful for all I have and all I’ve done.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Somewhere South

For all you MTB enthusiasts ,click the link and feast your eyes on a rad little down hill MTB clip Shot and Edited by Zayne Botha.
Share and Enjoy!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Warner Boyz Event 1 - Press Release

I've recently become interested in event journalism, having been involved in the surf scene for a few years this piece came easily, keen for the challenge of reporting on a sport I'm not so familiar with.

Anyway it was a great event and I'm excited to be the man behind such a great surf club that will hopefully elevate the local level of surfing.



The 2012 Warner Boyz Surf Series got off to a great start on the weekend, contestants were greeted with 2 – 3 foot bowly rights and lefts, with sunshine, crystal clear water and not a breath of wind.
With great waves on offer high scores were being dropped left right and center, Koby Oberholzer, Matt Sills, Sam Christianson, Slater Ruddling Landon Kruger , Michelle Imeson , Nicole Pallet, ChanelleBotha, Klee Strachan , Wade Botha and Gary Van Wieregen were all quick out the starting blocks with strong performances in the earlier rounds.
As the tide drained, the shallow banks made for some tricky waves and those who managed to find the waves that could connect from the outside to the inside managed to advance into the finals.
First up were the Groms, with a strong charge from the Durban groms Koby Oberholzer knew he had his work cut out for him, and rose to the challenge dropping some high scores to emerge victorious, the talented Durban duo of Matt Sills and Sam Christianson took out 3nd and 3rd with new comer Jethrow Gray reaching his first ever final to finish 4th.
The u/20 boys were not to be out done with a nerve wrecking to and fro battle between Mikey Venter and Landon Kruger, Venter got one back on Kruger after Kruger sent Venter to the repo in round 1, and Venter walked away with the win, young Koby Oberholzer and Slater Ruddling finished up 3rd and 4th respectively.
When the ladies hit the water it was called the “Michelle and the young guns show” as the three younger girls managed to out class the field to book their place in the final, however Imeson’s experience over the years showed as she picked the beast waves and comfortable took the win over Durban’s Nicole Pallet with Courtenay Ellish taking 3rd ahead of Chanelle Botha.
The open mens division was run with man on man heats, after 3 rounds of surfing Gary Van Wieregen and Mickey Venter finished off tie third after being eliminated in the semi finals.
The evergreen Klee Strachan used his smooth powerful surfing to rack up a series of nice scores which ultimately saw him rise above Wade Botha in an action packed final.

HUGE thanks go out to Rona from Baggies Kiosk, Karin Mason, Chris Clarke, and of course Clear Water Spur for once again supplying the lunch for the contestants which is always a high light at our events!
See you in June for the next event!

Wade Botha